Treatment of angina without antibiotics

Increasing resistance to ATB

With the increasing resistance of bacteria to antibiotics, the need to treat angina without antibiotics also increases.
We recommend reading the experiences of patients at and, where dozens of posts are related to this topic.
We believe that these practical experiences will be a source of valuable information for you and we welcome your experience as well.

The advantage of treatment without antibiotics is that the immune system is not devastated by antibiotics, and the patient has a significantly better chance that acute angina will not return after treatment. If the tonsils are heavily affected by previous inflammations, then of course the return of angina is not an exception even in the case of a cure without antibiotics, but unlike angina, which returns after antibiotics, the patient usually manages it better.
The disadvantage, on the other hand, is that there is a higher risk of the so-called sterile consequences of bacterial infection during treatment without antibiotics (more below, see Complications), which are very rare, but should be mentioned here.


Scratching the throat is very common, especially in people who have tonsils in a bad condition. Especially such patients use Streptokill quite often at first, because with tonsils that are in a bad condition, "scratching in the throat" is almost a daily occurrence, although it does not always have to mean the onset of angina. However, this is not essential for treatment without antibiotics. Whether the cause of the inappropriate sensation in the throat is bacteria, a virus, mechanical damage or just a false sensation, there is no need to address the cause and Streptokill should be applied without delay.
As can be seen from the experience of patients, with proper and long-term care for the disinfection of the throat in a natural and non-chemical way, the condition and function of the tonsils gradually improves, the "scratching in the throat" does not occur as often and thus the frequency of Streptokill use also decreases.

If the scratch in the throat is caused by a virus and not bacteria, then of course disinfection of the throat does not play as important a role as in the case of a bacterial agent, but we will not harm anything. Especially because secondary or the subsequent product of a viral infection is usually a bacterial infection. Moreover, unlike antibiotics, which are ineffective against viruses, we do not weaken the immune system.

In the case of viral tonsilitis, it is necessary to rely primarily on one's own immunity and support it with sufficient rest, supply of fluids, vitamins in natural form and adequate control of fever. We do not recommend artificially produced vitamins, as well as reducing an elevated temperature with medication. Fever is a natural weapon of the immune system and if it is not so high that it threatens our life, then we should let it fulfill its function. It is necessary to realize that increasing natural immunity is not about tablets and artificial preparations, but quite the opposite about finding a balance and a way to what has been inherent to the human organism since ancient times. It is almost impossible to have a strong natural immunity if we excessively consume artificial preservatives, dyes, synthetic drugs and other substances that are not natural for our body. In combination with an unhealthy lifestyle full of stress, staying in air-conditioned or overheated rooms and a lack of movement in the fresh air, we cannot be surprised at the increasing statistics of chronic diseases of any kind.

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If the treatment is ineffective, angina can spread to the tonsils or pharynx. Sometimes the tonsils can become so significantly enlarged that the airways can be blocked or an abscess can form, a sac full of pus, which must be surgically cut open and suctioned out, possibly removed together with the tonsils, a so-called tonsillectomy.
In streptococcal tonsilitis treated without antibiotics, there is a greater risk of the so-called sterile consequences of the bacterial infection, i.e. those that arise only after the streptococcus is usually no longer present at all, e.g. several weeks after suffering from angina. It can be inflammation of the kidneys or rheumatic fever, which affects, for example, the heart valves, the heart muscle or the skin. The causes of rheumatic fever are not completely known, it may be largely an autoimmune disease. But these serious complications are very rare.

If the patient wants to make sure that his angina is treated correctly and to minimize the risk of complications after suffering a streptococcal infection, he can ask the doctor to check the urine and blood after suffering from angina, although the examinations may not always be clear. Blood sedimentation decreases relatively slowly after angina, the values of antibodies against Streptolysin (so-called ASLO), a poisonous protein produced by Streptococci, increase even more slowly. Many people have this value elevated for a long time without suffering symptoms of inflammation.

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