
What are tonsils?

The tonsils are oval-shaped tissues in the back of the larynx, where, thanks to their lymphocytes and other immune cells, they serve as important filters that capture viruses and bacteria that try to enter our bodies through the mouth or nose. At the same time, the tonsils produce antibodies that help fight against these invaders.
If the bacteria gets attached to the tonsils and is not eliminated by them, it can cause inflammation, i.e. tonsilitis (angina).

There are 3 types of tonsils in our bodies. The two already mentioned throat tonsils located in the back of the larynx, then one located in the back of the nasopharynx, which is called the nasal tonsils, and the last are the tonsils in the back of the tongue called the lingual tonsils.

If you suffer from frequent infections of the tonsils or frequently recurring angina, then it is likely that your attending physician will recommend surgical removal of the tonsils, a so-called tonsillectomy. It is true that severely and chronically devastated tonsils lose their function and act more as a source of infection than its exterminator, but even severely damaged and deformed tonsils can be cleaned, healed and their functions restored.

Especially with the use of Streptokill, this mission is very realistically achievable, and as evidenced by many patient experiences, with its responsible use for every inappropriate feeling in the throat, the recovery of heavily damaged tonsils is realistic within a few months. Responsible use refers primarily to immediate application. Streptokill should therefore be carried with you and applied immediately as soon as your throat starts to scratch, even if only slightly. Even if you just have the feeling that something is wrong in your throat, apply Streptokill immediately, because believe that your feelings are mostly correct and there is no point in delaying the application. Even if you make a mistake and use Streptokill on healthy tonsils, you won't do anything wrong.

If we prevent the development of an infection in time, we will give the tonsils room for permanent improvement of their condition and the function for which they are intended. In this way, the tonsils will be cleansed over time and new infections will not only be less frequent on healthier tonsils, but above all they will have a significantly lower chance of surviving and thriving.

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